We Support Children and WOMEN to Reach Their Full Potential

What We Do


— We Educate

We educate the masses various fields. Basic education for the children, skills development programs for the women and youth and leadership trainings for the community leaders.


— We Provide Care

We are passionate about the orphans and the homeless. We seek to provide basic care for these groups of people to enable them get a fresh start to life for progress.


— We Build

We have over the years contributed to the peace building process and campaign in South Sudan. Through community engagement programs and leadership trainings, we have achieved significant success.


— We Find & Fund

We find and fund various projects aimed at bettering the lives of various vulnerable communities especially women and children in South Sudan. Community projects and other socio economic development programs are supported.


— We Build Networks

We build networks which we believe will contribute to our cause of supporting the vulnerable children and women in South Sudan. We engage government, civil society and other well wishers in our activities.


— We Strengthen

Through collaborations and partnerships, we seek to strengthen the competencies of local groups such as community workers, volunteer teachers and health workers. This in turn means better services to the people.

What We Care For!


Just like the great Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” We struggle to ensure every child  is educated.

Water and Sanitation (WASH)

Clean water and hygiene are fundamental aspects for a healthy and disease free environment. Our priorities expand to providing these services to the people.

Health & Nutrition

 Given the war effects, many chiildren are hungry and malnourished. We aim at establishing mechanisms to sustain food delivery to the vulnerable communities.

Women Empowerement

Women are a strong pillar in th development of a nation yet still very marginalized. Our efforts are towards an empowered women population.

Protection and Orphan Care

The war and its effects caused collosal loss of lives rendering many children orphans. We provide orphan care and protection to the homeless children.

Peace Building

Peace is a key  requirement in the growth and development of any community. To achieve peace, we conduct peace building activities such as sensitization and leadership trainings.