Because Only Together We Can

Build a World Where All CHILDREN Are Safe, Strong & Valued

Who We Are

Children Salvation Organization (CSO); women-led organization was founded in the year 2018 as a National Non-governmental organization and legally registered by South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) in April 2019. CSO was established with the main purpose of addressing the needs of vulnerable children and women who have been affected by the conflict in South Sudan through provision of quality Primary Health Care Services, Nutrition, WASH, Education in emergencies and development, Food security and livelihood and Social support interventions to restore hope and dignity of children. 

What We Do


— We Educate

We educate the masses various fields. Basic education for the children, skills development programs for the women and youth and leadership trainings for the community leaders.


— We Provide Care

We are passionate about the orphans and the homeless. We seek to provide basic care for these groups of people to enable them get a fresh start to life for progress.


— We Build

We have over the years contributed to the peace building process and campaign in South Sudan. Through community engagement programs and leadership trainings, we have achieved significant success.

Impact Stories

A Brighter Future — For the Children in Jonglei State

With your support, we have been able to rescue many child soldiers, rehabilitated them and  had them reintegrated with their families. 

Women Empowerement Programs Underway

The women in Central Equatorial State have been empowered with skills in entrepreneurship and leadership. They can now facilitate themselves and their families.
